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How Expert Use of Our Platform Won 2 Pollie Awards in 2022

How Expert Use of Our Platform Won 2 Pollie Awards in 2022
How Expert Use of Our Platform Won 2 Pollie Awards in 2022


Our advocacy client saw a severe decline in their CTA completions using traditional methods until added our peer to peer texting to their outreach efforts.

On Thursday May 19th, the American Association of Political Consultants announced that RumbleUp won two Pollie Awards for our client’s expert use of our platform: Silver (1st Place) for “Best Phone Campaign” and Gold for “Best Use of Phones/Text - Small Budget Campaign (AAPC North).” Here’s how:


The Challenge

Constituent-to-legislator advocacy is a staple tactic for non-profit advocacy groups, but the introduction of new technologies in recent years has thrown a complicated wrench into the works. 


While technology has continued to simplify the completion of calls-to-action for constituents, it has simultaneously made it easier for legislators to distance themselves from this advocacy. Our client experienced the phenomenon first hand. They had always relied on phone calls, direct mail, & email to rally constituents to contact their legislators. 


However, in 2021, they noticed a severe decline in their CTA completions despite constituents’ interest. 

How Our Platform Combatted Traditional Channels to Win 2 Pollie Awards

The Solution

Looking for a solution, they turned to our peer-to-peer texting platform.


Our platform enabled this client to quickly mobilize when their legislation was at a critical juncture. Their bill, which had failed to pass many times in recent years, was finally up for a vote in the fall after being stuck in committee since March. The night before the hearing, the committee vice chairman, who opposed the bill, was replaced.


Our client learned of this change the next morning and sent an entire text message campaign within 15 minutes to mobilize calls from the new committee member's constituents. These constituents called the member's cell phone directly, creating a ripple effect that successfully pushed the bill through the state assembly chamber and senate within a month.

Replies to Our Client's Texts - Pollie Awards

Our client stated that connecting voters directly to politicians using our platform is “the magic sauce” to their newfound success.


How RumbleUp Turned the Tables

Leveraging our powerful feature set, our client reached the constituents of a new district in just 15 minutes. With easy contact list uploads, exclusive Rapid Response mode, and Tap-Then-Send Responses + Tags, the team swiftly managed replies and categorized constituents for future CTAs based on their real-time responses. The response rates and open rates skyrocketed, showcasing the effectiveness of our platform.

RumbleUp's Powerful Toolset Helped Our Client - Pollie Awards

Not only were constituents texting in confirmation of the completed CTA, but another legislator and a Facebook live stream from the committee room witnessed the influx of calls to the legislator. The volume of phone calls became so overwhelming that the legislator began answering his phone as if it belonged to a local pizza restaurant to deter calls!


Our client continued to use our P2P texting platform to mobilize their constituents as the bill proceeded through the legislative process. When legislators attempted to water down the bill on the floor of the state assembly, our client quickly launched another text campaign to the constituents they had previously mobilized and tagged using our Smart Segmentation feature. Constituents responded to this rapid mobilization with the same fervor, successfully dissuading members from amending the bill.

A Real Text Sent by Our Client - Pollie Awards

By the time the bill arrived in the state senate, our client’s text mobilization efforts were well-known. As a result, the senate passed the bill within a month without attempting any further amendments, avoiding the mobilization tactics of our client.


Bottom Line

Our all-in-one platform was the key factor in rapidly mobilizing eager constituents to successfully achieve our client's goals, costing only $1,148. This achievement was recognized by the AAPC, earning our platform two more Pollie Awards!


Elevate your political campaigns with RumbleUp. Start building powerful one-on-one communication by sending impactful SMS or MMS messages to your target audience and driving meaningful change. Sign up and start texting today at or contact our sales team to discuss how texting can work for you: email us at or text us at 833-530-4400!

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