Why Our Enhanced Video Texting Won 2 Reed and 4 Pollie Awards
Read why the most innovative technology in texting is now our Enhanced Video Texting, and why you should be using this product in 2022 and beyond.
Enhanced Video Texting has officially won every major award in the political industry with the claim of our two new Reed Awards. Our team representing RumbleUp in Nashville at the annual event was proud to walk up on the stage and accept our awards for "Most Innovative Product of the Year" and "Best Use of Mobile Technology."
In addition to our Reed wins, our EVT technology took home four new Pollie awards:
- Gold - Best Use of Mobile Technology
- Silver - Best Use of Peer to Peer Texting
- Silver - Best Use of Mobile Technology (Phones - Miscellaneous)
- Silver - Best Ad Technology Innovation
So why was EVT able to capture the attention of leading experts in the political industry for the second year in a row? Here is the backstory:
The Inspiration for Enhanced Video Texting
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is an entire story. Video has the power to convey subtleties and evoke emotion in an undisputedly more effective way than images or plain text alone. Given this power, most Americans prefer to consume information in video format, making TV and digital ads a staple in campaigning.
Yet TV advertisements remain a luxury for smaller campaigns, and often not worth the investment given the rate of cord cutters increasing to almost a third of U.S. households. Digital ads did not fare much better in 2021, as campaigns once again found themselves with limited access to search & social media advertisements due to content freezes following the 2020 election.
What reliable alternatives was available for campaigns? The answer: our "Enhanced Video Texting," or EVT.
Why Enhanced Video Texting Changed the Way Campaigns Approached Their Outreach
In response to the changing landscape, we pioneered an innovative way to convert made-for-TV campaign ads into text message optimized videos, bridging the TV-Texting divide. The capability to send high quality, 30+ second videos embedded directly in a text did not exist in the industry prior to our solution, and competition that has since arisen fails to match our video quality and resolution.
EVT allowed campaigns of any size and budget to create and distribute their video content at a reasonable price point via text – the channel with a 95%+ open rate – and bypass TV and unreliable digital mediums altogether. This is especially crucial in an off-year when funds can be tight, and the ability to send content directly to an audience owned by the campaign and receive direct feedback is an invaluable method for obtaining zero-party data.
Why Enhanced Video Texting Deserved These Six Awards
As the texting medium continues to become more prolific due to increased understanding of its benefits, cellular carriers have cracked down on suspicious message content to minimize spam. EVT, like regular Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) traffic, brought legitimacy to each text sent by our clients, ensuring their messages and videos were delivered without issue to voters.
In 2021, we further refined our compression technology to handle more audio & visual variables. This increased the maximum video length from 60 seconds to 90 seconds, allowing campaigns to send a greater variety of short and long videos. Videos from made-for-TV quality down to direct-to-camera filmed on a smartphone were sent with our EVT technology.
The accessibility of our EVT technology also increased in 2021 with the addition of automated video conversion to our platform, eliminating the bottleneck of manually processing video compression. This in-portal feature includes the ability to customize video captions and to translate them into a different language, increasing a campaign's reach and accommodating voters with hearing impairments.
Why you should be using Enhanced Video Texting in 2022 and beyond
No free video compression tool or competitor can compare to the visual or audio quality of 30+ second video files compressed with our Enhanced Video Texting technology, and adding video text messaging to your outreach will help you stand out from the crowd.
Campaigns in 2020 and 2021 used Enhanced Video Texting for a wide variety of initiatives, including fundraising, advocacy, persuasion, and as an alternative to expensive TV ads. In addition, many campaigns with limited budgets were also able to utilize the flexibility of our technology to send simple, direct-to-camera EVT’s instead of expensive professional videos, saving them even more time and money.
The campaigns that have utilized EVT and experienced its benefits say that it is now their preferred method of outreach in 2022, especially because voters respond well to receiving these high quality embedded video messages.
Bottom Line
We are proud to have revolutionized the texting medium by developing high-quality video text messages that are accessible to campaigns of any size. In 2021, over 4 million voters received an EVT through our platform, allowing campaigns to connect with voters in an impactful way like never before.
The rapid adoption of EVT is setting the stage for 2022 to become the year of the video text. We are excited to see what the future holds for this industry-leading technology and its continuous improvements.
Want to try EVT for yourself? Sign up at rumbleup.com, text us at 833-530-4400, or reach out to our sales team at sales@rumbleup.com to learn how video texting can best work for you.