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Why Enhanced Video Texting Won More Reed and Pollie Awards in 2023

Why Enhanced Video Texting Won Another Reed Award and 2 Pollie Awards in 2023
Why Enhanced Video Texting Won More Reed and Pollie Awards in 2023


Our industry-leading video texting technology’s winning streak continues for the third year in a row!

The streak continues: for the third year in a row, Enhanced Video Texting (EVT) has brought home awards across every major industry award competition.

Last month, our Video Texting technology won another Campaigns & Elections Reed Award! Our team representing RumbleUp in Las Vegas at the annual Reed Awards and Conference was proud to walk up on the stage and accept our award for the "Best Use of Mobile Technology - Republican."

Last week, it won two more AAPC Pollie Awards: "Best Use of Mobile Application/Technology - Bronze" and "Best Use of Peer to Peer Texting - Bronze!"

So, why was EVT able to capture the attention of leading experts in the political industry for the third year in a row? Here's the story of sending great video via MMS.


The Landscape 

It is no secret that video content is crucial to connecting with voters. The lasting impact of a well-produced campaign video is why campaigns dedicated 80%+ of their ad budgets last cycle to broadcast TV, cable TV and CTV.

Distribution of political advertising spending in 2022

Source: Statista

Yet TV and CTV advertising remain a luxury for smaller campaigns, and have become a questionable investment due to issues surrounding impressions served and cord-cutting. 

In 2022, 94% of broadcast & cable TV impressions oversaturated the same 55% of viewers, whose numbers continued to fall as cord-cutting rose to 28.9% of U.S. households. The lack of CTV inventory caused, at its worst, 20% of viewers to make up 80% of the impressions served

See the problem here? Many campaigns spent most of their budgets to reach only 20-55% of their audiences.

Digital ads did not fare better, as campaigns continued to face political ad bans. 

So what reliable alternative was available for campaigns to get their videos to voters? The answer is "Enhanced Video Texting," or EVT.

The Enhanced Video Texting Difference

We pioneered and perfected the conversion of made-for-TV campaign ads into text message optimized videos. The capability to send high-quality, 30+ second videos embedded directly in a text did not exist before our solution. EVT allowed campaigns of all sizes to distribute their video content at a fraction of the cost of TV & CTV with guaranteed 1-to-1 impressions, which was essential to the political customer as fundraising took a massive hit from inflation.

Continued Trouble in 2022 for Political Advertising

Source: Broadband Search

Enhanced Video Texting allows campaigns of any size and budget to share video content via text – the channel with a 95%+ open rate – to bypass TV, CTV and unreliable digital mediums altogether. The ability to send content directly to an audience owned by the campaign, with guaranteed 1-to-1 impressions, and then receive direct feedback is an invaluable method for obtaining zero-party data that is not possible on TV and CTV. That 1-to-1 impression is also not possible by distributing a video link to a YouTube video, as not everyone will click. Messaging a short clip was possible before EVT, but a true impression of your whole ad was not. Now you can text videos out in full and know contacts will see them. Video messages also show exceptional engagement and personalized viewers compared to standard SMS.

Key Benefits of RumbleUp EVT vs. TV & CTV

Why Enhanced Video Texting Won a Reed Award

In 2022, we further refined our compression technology to handle more audio & visual variables, allowing highly complex visual content up to 90 seconds long video to be successfully delivered without distortion to all phone model and carrier combinations. Videos from made-for-TV quality down to TikTok-style direct-to-camera filmed on a smartphone were embedded and sent with our EVT technology to the recipient.

Refinements to automated video conversion in our platform decreased compression times from 24 hours to 10 minutes after upload while still delivering enhanced video quality. Our in-portal app includes the ability to customize video captions or translate them into a different language, increasing a campaign's reach and accommodating voters with hearing impairments.

RumbleUps Enhanced Video Texting (EVT) Key Features


We are proud to have revolutionized the texting medium with the development of high-quality video text messages, making your entire video library accessible to campaigns of any size. Our goal is to maximize the impact of your marketing campaign by creating the right call to action and helping you build high-quality video text messages step by step. With our amazing user-friendly built-in EVT technology, you will be able to send long videos to all phone types and carrier, pick the right thumbnail, customize captions, and utilize other compression services seamlessly.


Bottom Line

Over 19.5 million voters received an EVT through our platform in 2022 compared to just 4 million in 2021, showing the exponential growth in usage of this technology cycle after cycle.

Want to try sending EVT for yourself? Sign up at, text us at 833-530-4400, or reach out to our sales team at to talk about how video texting can best work for you.

If you are ready to stop worrying and start winning, sign up at today! Still have some questions? Feel free to text or call our expert team at (833) 530-4400 or to learn how texting can work best for you.

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