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How RumbleUp is Mastering The Campaign Registry and the 10DLC Rollout

How RumbleUp is Expertly Navigating The Campaign Registry (TCR) and the 10DLC Rollout
How RumbleUp is Mastering The Campaign Registry and the 10DLC Rollout


Worried about The Campaign Registry (TCR) and what it means for your texting programs? If you text with RumbleUp, you don’t have to worry.

🚨Attention 🚨This information was relevant through December of 2022 - please see our Simplify 10DLC Registration with RumbleUp article for TCR & 10DLC information relevant in 2024.


Many industry outlets and text messaging platforms have tried to keep up with the developments related to The Campaign Registry (TCR) and understand what it means for their organization. However, the rollout of 10DLC has happened in so many stages that it can be difficult to distinguish what content is relevant and accurate.


For those who are not familiar with TCR, fear not. In this article we will cover all of the facts regarding what it is and what it means for you.


What is The Campaign Registry (TCR)?

To understand what The Campaign Registry (TCR) is, you should first understand what 10 Digit Long Code (10DLC) is. 


​​According to The Campaign Registry's FAQ page, 10DLC refers to a new standard, reliable messaging channel in the United States that allows businesses and other organizations to send Application-to-Person (A2P) messages sanctioned by the mobile operators  with a standard 10-digit long code phone number. 


The Campaign Registry (TCR) is the hub that oversees registration of 10DLC messaging campaigns.


You might be thinking to yourself, “Wait a minute, 10DLC must not apply to me… because isn’t Peer-to-Peer (P2P) texting different from A2P texting?” However, from the mobile carriers’ perspective, all messages sent from a Campaign Service Provider are included as A2P, regardless of whether the messages were sent out by a human being one at a time or all at once with the tap of a button.

What is The Campaign Registry (TCR)?

What does all this mean for RumbleUp clients?

If you have been keeping up with updates about The Campaign Registry (TCR) and 10DLC, you might have seen that other texting platforms have been urging their users to register with TCR since before October of 2021 to lower their rate of undelivered or flagged messages.


In the same time period, we have been working closely with the major phone carriers to finalize the political use case for vendors of our size and industry reputation, which has allowed our clients to continue to text with us and enjoy optimal unchanged delivery rates all this time.


In 2022, we continued working closely with the major phone carriers as an industry advocate to make 10DLC campaign registration and verification as smooth as possible for our clients. We remain deeply involved in the registration ecosystem and up to date on any changes that may be made to the process. 


We have dramatically improved the registration terms for our clients since we began discussions with the phone carriers and The Campaign Registry (TCR), and we will continue to advocate for the best terms possible for political messaging. These changes will pave the way for continued political texting, which is fantastic news for our industry and clients.


As a reminder, here is a quick review of the benefits of registering:

  • Ability to use local area codes for SMS messages
  • Avoid phone carrier fees for unregistered traffic
  • Faster escalation and appeal in cases of mistaken spam flagging
  • Be treated as a good actor in the political messaging ecosystem


Why is this the case?

We have a history of being an excellent actor in the telecommunications space, which is great news. Phone carriers created The Campaign Registry (TCR) to enforce a system of transparency and accountability that sorts out good actors who send good messages (like us) from bad actors who send bad messages.


Our track record of going above and beyond to make sure clients are texting with best practices has put us in a unique position to collaborate in the process of TCR development and implementation. 


We continue working proactively with the many parties involved to promote transparency and ensure good traffic gets through while supporting the phone carriers in their ongoing efforts to crack down on bad traffic being sent by bad actors.

Next Steps for The Campaign Registry (TCR) Registration

Next Steps

The Campaign Registry (TCR) Registration is now live in the RumbleUp portal! 


If you are a current client, please read our full step-by-step registration document by logging into the portal. This document fully explains eligibility and the 10DLC registration process, including the steps for vetting & review, the timeline for registration, and the TCR fee structure. 


Here is a summary for those who are not current clients:

Clients who are eligible for registration include:

  • If you are a Campaign, Committee, PAC, or 527
  • If you are a 501c3/c4/c5/c6
  • If you are a Polling/Survey company
  • If you are a consultant/agency/lobbyist, you need to register your clients’ text messages under one of the above categories.


Eligible clients can now complete vetting directly in their RumbleUp portal during TCR registration; however, campaigns, committees, PACs, & 527 organizations may still choose to apply for a Campaign Verify token instead here.


Right now, vetting & registration can take 7-10+ business days if your application is correct & eligible for email approval! We recommend starting registration at least 3 weeks prior to when you plan to begin sending registered messaging traffic. 

Bottom line for The Campaign Registry (TCR) and 10DLC

Bottom Line

When you text with RumbleUp, you trade worries about spam and TCR/10DLC with the peace of mind that only texting with the industry leader can give. We are experts in TCR and industry advocates on behalf of our clients, ensuring full compliance with the regulations.


You will have access to all the best practices you need to follow to ensure your messages get delivered, along with our active monitoring and great customer service as a safety net to ensure trouble-free texting.Our compliant solutions and detailed guidelines will help you navigate the complexities of text messaging and maximize your deliverability.


Related News: 

- Want to know more about Peer-to-Peer Text Messaging with Thomas Peters, CEO of RumbleUp? Listen to the latest episode of The Business of Politics podcast.


If you are ready to stop worrying and start winning, sign up at today! Still have some questions? Feel free to text or call our expert team at (833) 530-4400 or to learn how texting can work best for you.

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