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Power Up Political Fundraising with Direct-to-Camera EVT

Power Up Political Fundraising with Direct-to-Camera EVT From RumbleUp
Power Up Political Fundraising with Direct-to-Camera EVT


As political fundraising evolves, so should your strategy. Utilizing video texting to engage and reconnect with donors will ensure present and future success.

In the realm of political and advocacy campaigns, previous donors stand as the cornerstone of potential new support. These individuals have already demonstrated their belief in your cause by previously making campaign contributions. 

Reaching out to them through pairing strong video and MMS text messaging is both a swift and cost-effective approach. It enables you to maintain their engagement or even entice them to offer further contributions.


Texting Previous Donors Is Key When Fundraising for Political Campaigns

When it comes to garnering responses and achieving the highest Return on Investment (ROI), previous donors are the golden ticket for advocacy and political campaign fundraising. 

Their pre-existing investment signifies a shared belief in your cause. Reconnecting with them through text messages is a potent way to ensure they stay involved and become more likely to contribute again. This personalized outreach also serves as a reminder of their prior involvement, reigniting their connection to your cause.


Texting Previous Donors Is Key When Fundraising for Political Campaigns - Reconnecting with them through text messages is a potent way to ensure they stay involved and become more likely to contribute again


Connecting to Political Donors with Video

While the conventional high-production campaign fundraising ads hold their sway, an underrated gem exists in direct-to-camera videos. These videos are shot in a more personal and conversational style, establishing a deeper connection between the candidate or organizer and the recipient. This approach leverages the existing relationship between the donor and the cause, making it feel like a natural continuation.

The narrative arc of such a video should follow a path that outlines the mission, the goals, obstacles faced, a direct campaign donation ask, and a restatement of the mission as a collaborative effort between the donor and the candidate. This method imbues the message with sincerity and resonates with the donor on a more personal level.

The narrative arc of a video should outline the mission, the goals, obstacles faced, a direct campaign donation ask, and a restatement of the mission as a collaborative effort between the donor & candidate


How Enhanced Video Texting Powers Up Political Fundraising

Possessing an outstanding video is only the first step. The next critical aspect is its distribution. This is where RumbleUp’s acclaimed Enhanced Video Texting (EVT) steps in, providing a powerful mechanism to reach audiences of all sizes with full-length 30 to 60 second videos with industry leading video and audio quality. 

Texting maintains an impressive 98% open rate, ensuring nearly perfect reach. When coupled with RumbleUp’s top-tier delivery rates and reliability, even in the busy GOTV season, this combination becomes a powerful attention-capturing force with the highest rate of one-to-one impressions than any other video medium.


RumbleUps Enhanced Video Texting Powers Up Political Fundraising -  EVT is streamlined with a user-friendly in-platform video management system
Our talented political campaign and texting experts have ensured that accessing EVT is streamlined with a user-friendly in-platform video management system. Along with our award-winning video compression technology, this video management system includes features such as automatic and editable closed captioning, choosing a featured image, adding an overlayed play button, and more.

These features ensure that your message not only reaches its intended audience but also does so in an accessible and engaging format.


Bottom Line

The direct-to-camera EVT approach is a dynamic and compelling strategy for re-engaging previous donors to raise money. By combining the power of personalized video messaging with the precision of texting, political campaigns and advocates can forge a deeper connection with their existing supporters.

Embracing this innovative approach ensures your message resonates with your audience, inspiring them to renew their support or increase their contribution while laying the foundation for even greater success in the future.

Ready to transform your fundraising strategy with texting? Contact our sales team at (833) 530-4400 or to get started with RumbleUp!

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