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How Our Enhanced AI Texting Improved Clients Delivery Rates

How Our Enhanced Artificial Intelligence Texting Improved Clients Delivery Rates
How Our Enhanced AI Texting Improved Clients Delivery Rates


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Texting completely turned around a major senatorial campaign’s texts by reducing spam rates and increasing deliverability.

Artificial Intelligence Texting Saved the Day

Artificial Intelligence Texting Saved the Day

This past year, our client’s team was in trouble. They, along with so many others, had the odds stacked against them due to COVID-19 restrictions making traditional campaigning impossible. In order to adapt to the new landscape, the team turned to the most modern outreach channel available: peer-to-peer (P2P) texting. While this channel had proven to be the most visible and impactful way to get their message out, the campaign quickly discovered a new challenge: they did not know how to use the text messaging channel effectively. 

However, common mistakes were made because they were unfamiliar with the P2P texting best practices. Their message copy was stale and had a repetitive tone likely because they took their message copy straight from campaign emails. People don’t text the same way they email and they don’t respond well when a text comes across as impersonal. Not only was our client’s team annoying their audience by sending poorly written messages, but a considerable amount of their outgoing texts were also being caught in spam filters at the phone carrier level, leaving thousands of messages undelivered. 

Seeing this, they came to our team for help. And so, enhanced artificial intelligence texting was thought of to be incorporated into their campaign. 

How We Incorporated Artificial Intelligence Texting

How We Incorporated Artificial Intelligence Texting

Our team turned their texting program around by tackling two major issues: message copy and message multiplication.

To level up their message copy, we coupled our expertise in P2P text message writing with artificial intelligence texting. To help them reach their consumers better, we did a few things. First we re-wrote each of their messages, humanizing them with casual language and recipient personalization. Then, we used conversational artificial intelligence technology to produce 58 unique messages, with 10-12 variations of each re-written message so we had multiple unique versions. The AI technology analyzed each message and replaced both words and phrases with language it learned from both our team and its native language set. This allowed us to generate variations that were based on the way people actually text each other, which led to more effective messaging.


Our approach to fixing their audiences was more straightforward, but also effective. The campaign originally split up their full list into groups based on wide targeting demographics like age range, donors, early voters, etc., but the problem was that these lists were over half a million people large. In order to fix their deliverability issues, we broke down their lists into many smaller segments, attaching the artificial intelligence-augmented message copy to each segment. Adding variety made the traffic patterns more organic. 


Our app leverages AI-powered suggestions to ensure each sentence resonates with the recipient. The response was instantly noticeable, resulting in free time for the client to focus on other critical areas. No matter the topic, our tailored content makes a significant impact.

The Result of Our Artificial Intelligence Texting

The Result of Our Artificial Intelligence Texting

The difference our company made for them was night and day. 


As a result of our team’s work with AI texting, our client’s campaign saw as much as a 47% increase in their message deliverability and a remarkably low spam rate of 3.6% by the end of the messaging campaign. It is important to remember that messages only work if they successfully reach their recipient, and that recipient is only going to engage with the message if it’s authentic and believable. 

If it were not for the contributions of our team and artificial intelligence texting, our client’s texting program would not have succeeded.


Now you can ask yourself: “Is my current provider going above and beyond to make sure my messages get delivered?” If you answered no, sign up and start texting today at or reach out to our sales team to talk about how texting can best work for you:

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