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Are you capitalizing on the Democrat debates?

Are you capitalizing on the Democrat debates?
Are you capitalizing on the Democrat debates?

You should be. If not, here’s how.

Tens of millions of people have been watching the Democrat debates (and tens of millions more people are aware they are happening). The Trump reelection campaign alone has been raising millions of dollars during these widely watched and polarizing moments by texting potential supporters the day of the debates and the day after.

You should be texting your list during the debates!

90% of text messages are read within five minutes of being received! The best time to solicit your audience for a donation to a political cause is when they are engaged and paying attention to politics. There is no better time to ask people to support your campaign than while they are sitting in front of the TV watching the debates or seeing coverage of the debate on social media (while scrolling on their smartphone!).

All you need is an email list. (Don’t have an email list? Tell us your audience and budget and we can provide a targeted list for you to text.)

We will help you match your email list to high quality cell phone numbers for the same individuals and RumbleUp provides you a compliant way to text them quickly.

Don’t have a team of volunteers to send the messages? No problem! We offer a full-service option where all you need to do is provide your email list or specify an audience, fill out a short form, and we take care of the rest.

Over 90% of the time the campaign who raises the most money wins.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to put your candidate or cause ahead of the competition/opposition.

The next debate is Thursday, September 12th.

Email us at to get started.

As always, happy texting.


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Find out more about RumbleUp:

  • Phone calls are passé. This D.C. startup is raising millions to grow your business with texting- The Business Journals.



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